Performance Tools
Performance tuning involves two important metrics:
- Latency measures how long it takes to process one event.
- Throughput measures how many events arrive within a specific amount of time.
Run help:
kafka-producer-perf-test --help
kafka-consumer-perf-test --help
Create a topic:
kafka-topics --create \
--bootstrap-server kafka1:9092 \
--replication-factor 3 \
--partitions 3 \
--topic sandbox.performance
Performance Tests
Test producer (confluent doc):
kafka-producer-perf-test --topic sandbox.performance \
--throughput -1 \
--num-records 3000000 \
--record-size 1024 \
--producer-props acks=all bootstrap.servers=kafka1:9092
- Throughput in MB/sec.
- Latency in milliseconds.
Test consumer (confluent doc):
kafka-consumer-perf-test --topic sandbox.performance \
--bootstrap-server kafka1:9092 \
--messages 3000000
start.time, end.time
: shows test start and end
: shows the size of all messages consumed.MB.sec
: shows how much data transferred in megabytes per second (Throughput on size)
: shows the count of the total messages consumed during this test.nMsg.sec
: shows how many messages were consumed in a second (Throughput on the count of messages).
Test end to end latency (confluent doc):
kafka-e2e-latency kafka1:9092 sandbox.performance 10000 all 1024
Following are the required arguments:
: The location of the bootstrap broker for both the producer and the consumer.topic
: The topic name used by both the producer and the consumer to send/receive messages.num_messages
: The number of messages to sendproducer_acks
: The producer setting for acks.message_size_bytes
: size of each message in bytes.