SQL Populate Database

This tool helps to populate either a MySQL or PostgresSQL database with random customers. This is an ancillary project that can help us to set different scenarios.

⚠️ Run these commands inside the root folder.

Create an alias for sql-populate:

alias sql-populate="$PWD/sql-populate/build/install/sql-populate/bin/sql-populate "

To permanently add the alias to your shell (~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc file):

echo "alias sql-populate='$PWD/sql-populate/build/install/sql-populate/bin/sql-populate '" >> ~/.zshrc

Install the app:

./gradlew sql-populate:install


sql-populate --url "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/sandbox" --user "root" --password "notasecret" 100
sql-populate --url "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/sandbox" --user "postgres" --password "notasecret" 100