
Kafka Streams is a client library providing organizations with a particularly efficient framework for processing streaming data. It offers a streamlined method for creating applications and microservices that must process data in real-time to be effective.

Check the Kafka Clients - Avro Producer and Consumer section.

⚠️ Run these commands inside the root folder.

Create an alias for kafka-streams:

alias kafka-streams="$PWD/kafka-streams/build/install/kafka-streams/bin/kafka-streams "

To permanently add the alias to your shell (~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc file):

echo "alias kafka-streams='$PWD/kafka-streams/build/install/kafka-streams/bin/kafka-streams '" >> ~/.zshrc

Install the app:

./gradlew kafka-streams:install

Run streams:

kafka-streams streams

Print results:

kafka-cli kafka-console-consumer --from-beginning --group kafka-streams.consumer \
                                 --topic kafka-streams.supplier_counts_by_country  \
                                 --bootstrap-server kafka1:9092 \
                                 --property print.key=true \
                                 --property value.deserializer=org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.LongDeserializer